Partner event Sustainability
At the end of June, the Leuven Convention Bureau organised a partner event on Sustainability in collaboration with Visit Leuven.
Throughout the event multiple partners gave a presentation (all attached presentations are in Dutch).
Green Key
Green Key is an international sustainability label that is represented in more than 60 countries. Belgium has more than 280 Green Key locations.
Visit Leuven supports Leuven based hotels and venues to obtain the Green Key. Until 30th June 2023 they reimburse you the entry and audit costs for participation via a grant. More information can be obtained via the website of Visit Leuven.
Kort'om Leuven
Kort'om Leuven matches the demand of the local catering industry with the supply from farmers and producers in the region. In this way, they strive for a positive social impact on people, the environment and society.
You can find out more about Kort'om Leuven via their website.
Circulair loket Leuven
Circular entrepreneurship is entrepreneurship in which products and raw materials are reused to the maximum. Circular loket Leuven supports entrepreneurs with circular ambitions and gives them free advice. You can contact them with all your questions about circular and inclusive entrepreneurship.
Stadreiniging stad Leuven
In September 2021, Leuven was the arrival city of the World cycling championships and welcomed more than 300,000 spectators. The use of reusable cups, an environmentally friendly alternative that reduces waste, was actively promoted. How they managed this, the result and advice can be found here.
To ensure that all participants left with concrete plans, two workshops were organised.
Workshop 1: Go home with a tangible action for your company.
This workshop focused on a few Green Key themes: energy, water and food. Which changes can you make within your company for a more sustainable operation? Discover the tips & tricks here.
Workshop 2: Storytelling. How do I give sustainability a place in the story of my company?
In storytelling, you tell about your company by means of a story. That story is often a translation of one of your values, such as sustainability. We learned from the workshop that you shouldn't look too far. All the little things you do in the context of sustainability can be included in your communication. Here you can learn more about how to start with storytelling.
At Leuven Convention Bureau we will gladly help you making your conference more sustainable. Do not hesitate to contact us for advise.
Want to read more on sustainability? Read more about this in 'A sustainable event in Leuven'.
If you want a short and clear overview what you can do to make your event more sustainable you can also check our fiche.